# -*-encoding:utf-8-*- import os import re import shutil import time import itchat from itchat.content import * # 說明:可以撤回的有文本文字、語音、視頻、圖片、位置、名片、分享、附件 # {msg_id:(msg_from,msg_to,msg_time,msg_time_rec,msg_type,msg_content,msg_share_url)} msg_dict = {} # 文件存儲臨時目錄 rev_tmp_dir = "/home/alic/RevDir/" if not os.path.exists(rev_tmp_dir): os.mkdir(rev_tmp_dir) # 表情有一個問題 | 接受信息和接受note的msg_id不一致 巧合解決方案 face_bug = None # 將接收到的消息存放在字典中,當(dāng)接收到新消息時對字典中超時的消息進行清理 | 不接受不具有撤回功能的信息 # [TEXT, PICTURE, MAP, CARD, SHARING, RECORDING, ATTACHMENT, VIDEO, FRIENDS, NOTE] @itchat.msg_register([TEXT, PICTURE, MAP, CARD, SHARING, RECORDING, ATTACHMENT, VIDEO]) def handler_receive_msg(msg): global face_bug # 獲取的是本地時間戳并格式化本地時間戳 e: 2017-04-21 21:30:08 msg_time_rec = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()) # 消息ID msg_id = msg['MsgId'] # 消息時間 msg_time = msg['CreateTime'] # 消息發(fā)送人昵稱 | 這里也可以使用RemarkName備注 但是自己或者沒有備注的人為None msg_from = (itchat.search_friends(userName=msg['FromUserName']))["NickName"] # 消息內(nèi)容 msg_content = None # 分享的鏈接 msg_share_url = None if msg['Type'] == 'Text' \ or msg['Type'] == 'Friends': msg_content = msg['Text'] elif msg['Type'] == 'Recording' \ or msg['Type'] == 'Attachment' \ or msg['Type'] == 'Video' \ or msg['Type'] == 'Picture': msg_content = r"" + msg['FileName'] # 保存文件 msg['Text'](rev_tmp_dir + msg['FileName']) elif msg['Type'] == 'Card': msg_content = msg['RecommendInfo']['NickName'] + r" 的名片" elif msg['Type'] == 'Map': x, y, location = re.search( "<location x=\"(.*?)\" y=\"(.*?)\".*label=\"(.*?)\".*", msg['OriContent']).group(1, 2, 3) if location is None: msg_content = r"緯度->" + x.__str__() + " 經(jīng)度->" + y.__str__() else: msg_content = r"" + location elif msg['Type'] == 'Sharing': msg_content = msg['Text'] msg_share_url = msg['Url'] face_bug = msg_content # 更新字典 msg_dict.update( { msg_id: { "msg_from": msg_from, "msg_time": msg_time, "msg_time_rec": msg_time_rec, "msg_type": msg["Type"], "msg_content": msg_content, "msg_share_url": msg_share_url } } ) # 收到note通知類消息,判斷是不是撤回并進行相應(yīng)操作 @itchat.msg_register([NOTE]) def send_msg_helper(msg): global face_bug if re.search(r"\<\!\[CDATA\[.*撤回了一條消息\]\]\>", msg['Content']) is not None: # 獲取消息的id old_msg_id = re.search("\<msgid\>(.*?)\<\/msgid\>", msg['Content']).group(1) old_msg = msg_dict.get(old_msg_id, {}) if len(old_msg_id) < 11: itchat.send_file(rev_tmp_dir + face_bug, toUserName='filehelper') os.remove(rev_tmp_dir + face_bug) else: msg_body = "告訴你一個秘密~" + "\n" \ + old_msg.get('msg_from') + " 撤回了 " + old_msg.get("msg_type") + " 消息" + "\n" \ + old_msg.get('msg_time_rec') + "\n" \ + "撤回了什么 ?" + "\n" \ + r"" + old_msg.get('msg_content') # 如果是分享存在鏈接 if old_msg['msg_type'] == "Sharing": msg_body += "\n就是這個鏈接? " + old_msg.get('msg_share_url') # 將撤回消息發(fā)送到文件助手 itchat.send(msg_body, toUserName='filehelper') # 有文件的話也要將文件發(fā)送回去 if old_msg["msg_type"] == "Picture" \ or old_msg["msg_type"] == "Recording" \ or old_msg["msg_type"] == "Video" \ or old_msg["msg_type"] == "Attachment": file = '@fil@%s' % (rev_tmp_dir + old_msg['msg_content']) itchat.send(msg=file, toUserName='filehelper') os.remove(rev_tmp_dir + old_msg['msg_content']) # 刪除字典舊消息 msg_dict.pop(old_msg_id) if __name__ == '__main__': itchat.auto_login(hotReload=True,enableCmdQR=2) itchat.run()
~ python wx.py Getting uuid of QR code. Downloading QR code. Please scan the QR code to log in. Please press confirm on your phone. Loading the contact, this may take a little while. ?[3;J Login successfully as AlicFeng Start auto replying.
02 效果圖
03 itchat
1. 簡介
2. 安裝
pip3 install itchat
3. itchat - Helloworld
import itchat itchat.auto_login(hotReload=True) itchat.send('Hello AlicFeng', toUserName='filehelper')
聲明:本網(wǎng)站發(fā)布的內(nèi)容(圖片、視頻和文字)以用戶投稿、用戶轉(zhuǎn)載內(nèi)容為主,如果涉及侵權(quán)請盡快告知,我們將會在第一時間刪除。文章觀點不代表本網(wǎng)站立場,如需處理請聯(lián)系客服。電話:028-86922220;郵箱:631063699@qq.com。內(nèi)容未經(jīng)允許不得轉(zhuǎn)載,或轉(zhuǎn)載時需注明來源: 創(chuàng)新互聯(lián)